Nutritional Facts of Moong Dal Chilla, Stuffed Moong Dal Chila, Calories in Moong Dal Chilla, Stuffed Moong Dal Chila

by Tarla Dalal
This calorie page has been viewed 119759 times

How many calories does one Moong Dal Chilla have?

One Moong Dal Chilla gives 128 calories. Out of which carbohydrates comprise 84 calories, proteins account for 30 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 14 calories.  One Moong Dal Chilla provides about 6 percent of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet of 2,000 calories.

128 calories for 1 Moong Dal Chilla, Stuffed Moong Dal Chila, Cholesterol 0 mg, Carbohydrates 21g, Protein 7.5g, Fat 1.6g. Find how much fibre, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, folic acid is present in Moong Dal Chilla, Stuffed Moong Dal Chila

Click here to view. Moong Dal Chilla Recipe. stuffed moong dal chilla | mung dal cheelas |

Here is a protein-rich Moong Dal Chilla, stuffed with a deliciously flavoured mixture of potatoes and green peas. You will thoroughly enjoy the blend of textures and flavours, which you will experience in every mouthful of this stuffed moong dal chilla.

Chilla is north India’s answer to dosas. Chillas are thin, tasty pancakes, which can be made using different ingredients, and with or without fillings placed inside them. Chilla is much loved by Gujaratis, and stuffed moong dal chilla is a popular roadside snack in Mumbai too.

Notes on moong dal chilla recipe. 1. For preparing the moong dal chilla, pick and clean the green moong dal. You can also use yellow moong dal or a combination of both.

Is Moong Dal Chilla healthy?

Yes, this is healthy. But restrictions apply to some as there is potatoes used. We show you how to make this recipe healthy for all.

Let's understand the Ingredients.

What's good.

1. Moong Dal ( Green Moong Dal ) : Moong dal or green moong dal  is rich in Folate, Vitamin B9 or Folic Acid which helps your body to produce and maintain new cells, especially  red blood cells and is pregnancy friendly. Being rich in Antioxidants like Flavonoids, mung reduces the damage done by free radicals to the blood vessels and lowers inflammation. Moong Dal is heart and diabetes friendly. Moong Dal or Split Green Gram are high in Fibre and 1 cup of cooked Moong dal gives 28.52% of your daily Fibre requirements. See here for 9 fabulous benefits of Moong Dal.

2. Green Peas : Green peas are good for weight loss, good source of vegetarian protein, has insoluble fibre to relieve constipation. Legumes like green peas, cow peas, mung, chick peas and kidney beans have a cholesterol lowering effect. Green Peas are rich in Vitamin K which aids in bone metabolism. Green peas have a Glycemic Index (GI) rank of 22 which is low and good for diabetics.  Is green peas good for diabetics and see full benefits of green peas

3. Green Chillies : Antioxidant vitamin C in green chillies protects the body from effects of harmful free radicals and prevents stress. It is probably the high fiber which helps in controlling blood sugar levels. This it is a welcome addition to a diabetic diet. Suffering from anaemia? Add green chillies to your list of iron rich foods too. For complete details see benefits of green chilli

What's the problem?

1. Potatoes (Aloo) : Potatoes being high in simple carbohydrates will lead to weight gain and are not good for people with diabetes, heart problem and obesity. Potatoes are recommended for malnourished children and people with low weight. See full details on why potatoes are bad for you.  

2. Peanut Oil : We suggest you use peanut oil or coconut oil in the recipe. Peanut oil has the highest amount of MUFA (around 49%) amongst most Indian common cooking oils. The remaining 51% is PUFA and SFA. Most households in western Indian use peanut oil as a cooking medium. If you have to choose amongst the cooking oils, after avocado oil and coconut oil, this peanut oil gets a spot-on. But when compared to other MUFA based oils, this oil is considered to be high in omega-6 fatty acids, which often may tend to harm your body without you realizing it. Read the super article of  which oil is the healthiest avoid vegetable oil

Can diabetics, heart patients and over weight individuals have stuffed moong dal chilla ?

Yes, this recipe is good for diabetics, heart and weight loss BUT you need to drop the potatoes from the recipe and use a healthy vegetable like cauliflower or just more green  peas in the stuffing. 

Moong Dal is heart and diabetes friendly. Moong Dal or Split Green Gram are high in Fibre and 1 cup of cooked Moong dal gives 28.52% of your daily Fibre requirements. Green peas are good for weight loss, good source of vegetarian protein, has insoluble fibre to relieve constipation. Legumes like green peas, cow peas, mung, chick peas and kidney beans have a cholesterol lowering effect.

What is a healthy accompaniment to this chilla?

We suggest you pair it with homemade curds using cows milk or low fat curdslauki pudine ka raitamixed veggie raita, low calorie spinach raita or a cucumber and pudina raita.

Veg Raita, Mixed Vegetable Raita

Veg Raita, Mixed Vegetable Raita

Can healthy individuals have stuffed moong dal chilla?

Yes, this is healthy BUT drop the potatoes as they are high in carbs.

Moong Dal Chilla are rich in below macronutrients, vitamins and minerals given in descending order (highest to lowest).

  1. Folic Acid : Folic acid is an essential vitamin required throughout pregnancy. 21% of RDA. 
  2. Phosphorous Phosphorous works closely with calcium to build bones. 21% of RDA.
  3. Protein : Protein is required for the managing the wear and tear of all cells of the body. Have protein rich Indian foods like paneer, curd, Greek yoghurt, tofu, almonds, sprouts, chana, rajma, chick peas, quinoa, buckwheat ). 14 % of RDA.
  4. Fiber : Dietary fiber reduce the risk of heart disease, prevent the spike in blood sugar levels and hence super for diabetics. Consume more fruits, vegetables, moong, oats, matki, whole grains. 13% of RDA.
  5. Magnesium : Magnesium is required for formation of bones and teeth. It helps in the metabolism of calcium and potassium. % of RDA. magnesium rich Indian foods like leafy vegetables (palak, broccoli, kale), pulses ( rajma, chawli, moong ), nuts (walnuts, almonds) , cereals ( jowar, bajra, whole wheat flour, dalia). 12% of RDA.


Note : a recipe is deemed high in a Vitamin or mineral if it meets 20% and above the recommended daily allowance based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

How to burn 128 calories that come from Moong Dal Chilla?

Walking (6 kmph) = 38 mins

Running (11 kmph) = 13 mins

Cycling (30 kmph) = 17 mins          

Swimming (2 kmph) = 22 mins

Note: These values are approximate and calorie burning differs in each individual.

Value per chilla% Daily Values
Energy128 cal6%
Protein7.5 g14%
Carbohydrates21 g7%
Fiber3.2 g13%
Fat1.6 g2%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Vitamin A35.4 mcg1%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)0.1 mg10%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0.1 mg9%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0.8 mg7%
Vitamin C3.4 mg8%
Vitamin E0 mg0%
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)41.2 mcg21%
Calcium23.5 mg4%
Iron1.3 mg6%
Magnesium40.5 mg12%
Phosphorus127.6 mg21%
Sodium9.7 mg1%
Potassium355.3 mg8%
Zinc0.8 mg8%
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
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Moong Dal Chilla, Stuffed Moong Dal Chila
 on 19 Feb 22 11:22 AM

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Tarla Dalal    Thank you for the feedback. Please keep reviewing recipes and articles you love.
21 Feb 22 01:43 PM