Schezwan fried rice recipe | Indian style Schezwan fried rice | Veg Schezuan...
All-time favourite Vegetable Fried Rice in a Jain-friendly version, made without onions, garlic and other no-no ingredients. You will find that this d...
Chana and spinach will take your kids right to the top of their class’ rank list! they are rich in folic acid, protein, calcium and other nutrients th...
vegetable pulao recipe | quick pressure cooker pulao recipe | restaurant sty...
Quick and easy, delightfully oriental, this Chilli Coriander Fried Rice is something you can prepare anytime, any day as it makes use of the most comm...
perfect steamed basmati rice recipe | basmati rice without pressure cooker | [span class="bold1"...
A thoughtful blend of minimal but well-matched ingredients like mint, peas and brown rice together with flavour boosters like green chillies, onions a...
The sweetness of corn and the innate bitterness of methi complement each other well in this pulao. By using simple seasonings and the pressure-cooking...
Delicious and healthy, this is a dish that will win many a young heart with its mouthwatering combination of ingredients and attractive appearance! Tr...
Sautéed vegetables, boiled rajma, a sprinkling of chili flakes and steamed rice come together in this delicious Mexican rice. Great for a working lunc...