dried pomegranate skin
Last Updated : Jan 30,2018

Dried Pomegranate Skin Glossary |Health Benefits, Nutritional Information + Recipes with Dried Pomegranate Skin | Tarladalal.com
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It is derived from the outer skin of pomegranates. The skin which is used to dry is usually pale or bright red in colour. In order to dry the skin, peel of the skin and discard the inner white pith which is bitter. Sun dry till completely dried. It is usually used when powdered.

How to select

It is available in select stores. Ensure it is in proper packaged conditions.

Culinary Uses

It is used in powdered form to make juices or health drinks.

How to store

Store in an air tight container away from moisture and humidity.

Health Benefits

· A powder made from dried pomegranate skin can be used for anaemia.
· It has medicinal properties which aid skin care.

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dried pomegranate skin (3 recipes)
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