almond essence
Last Updated : Mar 04,2021

What is Almond Essence? Uses of Almond Essence, recipes |
Viewed 38813 times

Description of almond essence
As a flavour, popular in some Chinese sweets like almond tea and almond jelly (also called almond tofu). Almond essence is made using artificial flavorings and is therefore much cheaper compared to almond extract. When cooking, it is worth the effort of seeking out almond extract in good delicatessens, health food shops and the larger branches of supermarkets. Whichever you decided to use, for the best results, always add cautiously.

How to Select almond essence
Synthetic almond flavouring is widely available, but larger supermarkets stock real almond essence, which is far superior. Hence, don't compromise on the quality and the taste. Pay for a good brand and verify on the dates stamped - manufacturing and expiry.

Culinary Uses of almond essence
· As a flavor enhancer in cakes, pastries, desserts, cordials and confectionary.
· Usually to reinforce the flavour of almonds in any recipe, requiring almond.

How to Store almond essence
Store it in the refrigerator. Keep it in a dry place, sealed properly.

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