pasta in tomato sauce recipe | Indian style pasta in tomato sauce | veg pas...
baked spaghetti in tomato sauce recipe | veg baked pasta | Indian style bake...
Macaroni fits well into almost any baked dish. Here's a quick combo of macaroni and vegetables, which satiates your hunger pangs and delights your tas...
Vegetable risotto is a very easy and a delicious recipe. . . Actual risotto is made using arboria rice but you can also use basmati rice, it taste the...
A soft layer of potato and paneer topped with a mouth-watering spinach and corn layer, garnished with tangy tomato slices – if that does not sound tem...
One of my favourite desserts which tastes delicious when it is served warm. Made just with low-fat paneer and fruits, you can occasionally enjoy a ser...
Large pasta shells filled with spinach and cottage cheese and topped with tangy tomato sauce, it is no wonder that children love this dish! A typical ...
Lovely spinach pancakes served with spicy tomato gravy....
Whether you like your sauce creamy white or tangy tomato, this recipe brings together the best of both worlds in an irresistible way. Baked Vegetables...
Spinach is good for everyone! these spicy vegetables rolled in spinach leaves provide supplies of vitamin a, which boosts the immune system, improves ...