avocado salad for shiny hair recipe | tomato avocado salad | healthy avocado...
A horde of delicious fruits mingle with fresh crunchy lettuce to provide not just a tasty salad, but one that overflows with nutrients such as vitamin...
Poriyal is any dry vegetable preparation flavoured with generous amounts of fresh grated coconut. Cabbage tempered with mustard seeds and dry red chil...
Cucumber pineapple salad, light meals to feel light and healthy! all the ingredients used provide nutrients like protein, vitamin c, iron, vitamin e, ...
cabbage carrot and lettuce salad recipe | simple and easy cabbage lettuce salad | [span class="b...
Vitamin C rich veggies like lettuce, capsicum,tomatoes and cucumber tossed together with an Italian basil dressing. But dress this salad just before s...
Nutritious sprouts pairs well with invigorating orange and tomatoes, balanced carefully with sweet bananas and grapes. Delicate spices weave in and ou...
tabbouleh recipe | Lebanese tabbouleh | Indian style tabbouleh | [spa...
Earthy broccoli florets, iceberg lettuce and crispy celery stalks in combination with bean sprouts provide a wonderful array of flavours to delight th...
kidney bean salad recipe | Mexican bean salad | Indian kidney bean salad wit...