paneer tikka recipe | restaurant style paneer tikka | paneer tikka on grill ...
A rich, gooey, sinful and truly indulgent dessert. Warm, fudgy walnut brownies served with rum marinated fruits, drizzled with chocolate sauce that is...
Let's journey to mexico. . . . . . The land of tacos and tequila. This sizzler is a fiery combination of veggie filled tortillas served with a stir-fr...
Succulent pieces of paneer marinated in a tantalizing tandoori masala grilled to perfection and served with pulao, a stuffed capsicum and tangy makhan...
Italian cooking is wholesome and flavourful. This sizzler is a hearty combination of pasta tossed in a robust mushroom and black pepper sauce and serv...
Thai cooking is a tempting blend of Indian, Chinese and Malay cooking. Varying form the soothing coconut to fiery chillies, these flavours of Thailan...
The Pasta and Vegetable Sizzler in Tomato Sauce is a treat not just to the taste buds, but to all the other senses too. In fact, the making of a sizzl...
Mushrooms and peas in a delectable barbeque...
Sumptuous cheese corn balls served with buttered parsley rice, glazed vegetables topped with a red wine flavoured tomato sauce. You can serve pasta in...
A food sizzler which children will love....