Succulent pieces of paneer marinated in a tantalizing tandoori masala grilled to perfection and served with pulao, a stuffed capsicum and tangy makhan...
Italian cooking is wholesome and flavourful. This sizzler is a hearty combination of pasta tossed in a robust mushroom and black pepper sauce and serv...
Thai cooking is a tempting blend of Indian, Chinese and Malay cooking. Varying form the soothing coconut to fiery chillies, these flavours of Thailan...
The Pasta and Vegetable Sizzler in Tomato Sauce is a treat not just to the taste buds, but to all the other senses too. In fact, the making of a sizzl...
Sumptuous cheese corn balls served with buttered parsley rice, glazed vegetables topped with a red wine flavoured tomato sauce. You can serve pasta in...
A food sizzler which children will love....
A mithai lover's delight! Sumptuous malpuas filled with seasonal fruits and topped with creamy rabri that's made in a jiffy.
You can substitute...
This sizzler is laden with a bounty of flavours and spices. A delicately flavoured rice noodle preparation is topped with a smoky, curry flavoured sat...
The rice and curry sizzler is ideal for a monsoon night, when you yearn for a steaming hot, spicy dinner that will make you feel snug and warm. It is ...
Sizzlers are fun, no doubt, but is it possible to indulge in that fun without the scare of excessive calories? This innovative Indian Sizzler shows yo...