sprouted moong salad recipe | moong salad | healthy moong salad | [sp...
Ready in a whiz, this healthful and refreshing salad is a great addition to your meal. Serve it as it is, stuff it into a bun, or roll it in a chapati...
A hearty mediterranean salad that is quite a meal by itself! broken wheat, boiled chick peas, and roasted colourful peppers come together in this deli...
Munch your way to a healthy heart! A lip-smacking combination of carrots, cucumber and cooked rajma beans dressed in mint, honey and a dash of lemon j...
A scrumptious salad that combines the goodness of cooked rajma and bean sprouts with crunchy spring onions and tangy tomatoes.
A dash of lemon j...
walnut and cherry tomato salad recipe | 10 minute tomato walnut salad | heal...
In the past decade or so, several ingredients that were once unheard of in India started becoming easily available in supermarkets and specialty/ gour...
This super-duper lunch salad, loaded with the goodness of millets, veggies and greens, is bound to gain you lots of compliments and enthuse your colle...