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Antioxidant Rich

Antioxidant Salads


Avocado Salad ( Recipe for Shiny Hair)

avocado salad for shiny hair recipe | tomato avocado salad | healthy avocado...

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Avocado Salad

Indian style avocado salad recipe | cucumber tomato avocado salad | healthy ...

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Beetroot Cucumber and Tomato Raita

A rich and luscious raita with a variety of ingredients. The peppy taste of coriander and green chillies complements the crunchy feel of peanuts and c...

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Fruity Chana Salad ( Delicious Diabetic Cookbook)

I often turn to this delightful salad when i have leftover chick peas and a basket of fruits in the refrigerator. The chick peas have a wealth of nutr...

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Cucumber, Capsicum and Celery Salad

Cucumber, Capsicum and Celery Salad, is a delightful combination of fresh vegetables, fruits and curds which makes this salad hard to resist. The low-...

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Nutritious Vegetable Salad, Low Salt and High Fiber Veg Salad

What’s new about tossing together veggies like capsicum, cabbage and tomatoes into a salad? Well, it’s the dressing that makes this salad the latest b...

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Cabbage, Carrot and Lettuce Salad

cabbage carrot and lettuce salad recipe | simple and easy cabbage lettuce salad | [span class="b...

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Broken Wheat Salad with Chick Peas and Roasted Pepper ( Soups and Salads )

A hearty mediterranean salad that is quite a meal by itself! broken wheat, boiled chick peas, and roasted colourful peppers come together in this deli...

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Mixed Sprouts Fruits and Veggie Salad

sprouts, fruits and vegetable salad recipe | sprouted moong fruit salad | he...

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Sprouted Fruity Bean Salad ( Desi Khana)

Nutritious sprouts pairs well with invigorating orange and tomatoes, balanced carefully with sweet bananas and grapes. Delicate spices weave in and ou...

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