russian salad | vegetarian russian salad | indian style russian salad...
pasta and vegetable salad recipe | easy Indian pasta salad with veggies | ma...
bulgar wheat salad recipe | bulgar wheat salad with vegetables | healthy Ind...
macaroni and vegetable salad recipe | vegetable macaroni salad | easy homema...
Packed with flavour and good health, this exotic salad features apples and cooked kidney beans dressed in a creamy guacamole dressing.
Chopped tom...
potato chana salad | potato chickpea salad | indian chickpea salad | ...
A delicious salad of cooked shell pasta and soft, succulent paneer cubes dressed in a mixture of walnuts, garlic and basil leaves perked up with lemon...
sprouts coconut salad recipe | sprouts salad with coconut | healthy mixed sp...
chana and potato salad recipe | potato chickpea salad | aloo chana salad[/sp...
cabbage moong dal salad recipe | Indian moong dal salad | yellow moong dal s...