Try this hearty, tangy pasta for its fresh and delicious flavors. A thick sauce of tomato pulp, onions, garlicbasil leaves and fresh cream is tossed i...
Italian mushroom sauce pasta recipe | mushroom pasta | mushroom sauce penne[...
The Che-Mato Pasta is a delicious one-dish meal that you can have as an evening snack or even for supper. You may add more vegetables like grated carr...
Use of whole-wheat pasta and lots of vegetables is the specialty of this fibre rich dish.
The milk and the cheese in the sauce enriches it with the ...
macaroni in hurry recipe | quick veg macaroni pasta | Indian style macaroni ...
An Italian meal is incomplete without pasta – and here is a luscious pasta recipe with loads of vegetables, whipped up especially for diabetics. Usual...
olive and tomato pasta recipe | Indian style tomato olive pasta | pasta with...
Macaroni, an elbow shaped pasta, has always been a favourite with kids. Macaroni mixed with vegetables and cheese and cooked with white sauce and herb...
A creamy pasta that can make a satisfying one-bowl meal. Macaro...
What a lovely sight the Spring Onion and Red Capsicum Pasta is, with contrasting shades of red, yellow and green decorating perfectly cooked penne! Be...